The Fact That These 25 Creatures Used To Roam

The Earth Is Mind-Boggling… And Freaky. #9 = OMG.

April 3, 2014Entertainment
Paleontologists, scientists and other researchers have collected enough samples over the years to form some pretty solid theories about what kinds of creatures used to roam this earth. If you’ve ever seen Jurassic Park or have been to a natural history museum, you’d know that life here used to consist of three things: huge monsters, dangerous plants and quick deaths.
These 25 creatures used to roam the very ground you walk on today.  You’ll be so glad they aren’t around any more…
(H/T List25)
Most of these prehistoric animal representations are best guesses (at least when it comes to color and texture), but the fossils they left behind speak for themselves. They were big. They were mean. And you would probably run in the other direction if you ever saw one.
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