The ANT comparison..

One *Sayeret Matkal* (Israeli Elite Commando Force) officer was being interviewed by a *LeLi*  (Leftist Liberal) journalist on the Haifa beach in Israel.

The LeLi asked the Commando, "When you take action against the terrorist a few civilians are also killed. This is not Natural Justice."

The Commando told him, "I shall prove it to you that it is *your type* of  Justice."

LeLi asked him, "How can you say it is our type Justice ?"

The Commando took him for a walk on the beach and cunningly made him stand on an Ant Mound. 

Two three ants bit the LeLi. 

Seething in anger he killed as many ants as he could see as the bite area was burning. 

The Commando was smiling. 

LeLi asked him, "Why are you smiling ?"

Commando asked him, "Which are the ants that bit you ?"

LeLi said, "How can I say which ant 
There are so many of them and 
all ants look the same."

The Commando said, "Why did you kill so many ants ? 

Did they all  bite you ?"

LeLi, "No."

Commando, "Then where is your Natural Justice ? You should have killed only those ants which bit you."

LeLi was speechless.

Commando, "Now you understand what is our problem. 

We accept there is some amount of collateral damage. 

We don't want to kill innocent Civilians, but it is inevitable. 

Next time before reporting such gory stories, you should consider this Ant Episode."


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