Dharbham or Dharbhai or Kusa - The Holy Grass

Dharbham the Holy Grass

The Holy known as Dharbham or Dharbai - Kush Grass, Kusa -

 Eragrostis cynosuroides

by TRS Iyengar
This article is on one of the practices widely used by Indian Brahmins all 
over using a Holy Grass named Dharbham or Dharbai. The botanical 
name is Eragrostis cynosuroides and Hindi they call 
as Kus or Kusha. Brahmins in general  use this Darbai grass in all functions, 
auspicious or inauspicious, a performing person needs to wear a ring made 
of this 
Dharbham. But many have lost the reason of why it is to be used in the first

What I learnt from my father is proved to be accurately correct by a Medicine
 Practitioner. A medical practitioner named Dr. Sadhashiv Rao, once visited my 
home. When the topic turned to many subjects, I needed to tell him about 
the Holy Grass named Dharbham. When I told him about the usage and the 
values, he could not just believe my words. So, he took out a bunch of the
Dharbham from me, went straight to the clinic to take an x-ray of his palm, 
by covering  his hand with the Dharbham. To his utter surprise, he found 
that the grass absorbed about 60% of the (x-ray) radiation!

When the so powerful X-ray radiation can be absorbed by the Holy Grass, 
why can it not absorb the ill-radiations spread over the atmosphere?  While 
chanting and reciting some Vedic phrases and
versus, one needs to wear a ring made of Dharbham on his right hand
 ring finger. This is most essential, while performing all the rituals, such as
 Agni Santhanam, Thiru-Aaradhanam, all sorts of 
Havans known as Homam etc.
The count of leaves depends upon the function that is held viz.: for some
 functions related to death only Single leaf Dharbham is used; for Auspicious 
and daily routine a ring made of two leaves is
used; for inauspicious but not death related functions, (i.e. Amavasya Tharpanam
,Pithru Pooja etc) a three leaf Dharbham ring is used. And for the Temple Prayer and 
Pooja, a Four-leaf Dharbham
ring is used.
Also, when a fire ritual known as Agni Santhana is performed, these 
Dharbham are spread all the four sides of the Agni Kundam. Also, during
 the Eclipse time, these Dharbham are used to cover all
food items to protect them from the harmful ultra violet radiation.
Whenever any function is held, firstly they perform a site-cleansing act
 known as "Suddi Punyahavachanam". While reciting the selective versus,
 they hold the Dharbham bunch in their hand and 
placing the tip point of it over the vessel containing water. Thus the recited 
vibration values are absorbed by water in the vessel through the Dharbham.
They found that the Holy Grass known as Dharbham has the highest value 
in conducting the phonetic vibrations through its tip. Later, they sprinkle
 the Holy water at every nook and corner of the place,
where the function is held. A Dharbham without the tip is considered of
 no value, as the conductor-type value is lost in it.
If dharbam is cut & collected on the Avani Amavasya day (falls during
 15th August & 15th Sept) it can be retained for usage for one full year.
 Also, if cut on the Masi Amavasya day then also one can
use it for full year. There is a specific slokha for cutting dharbham (the holy grass) 
that is to be recited while cutting it; I give below the same for readers to know.
If Dharbam is obtained from a 
Brahmin who doesn't know this slokam or versus, the Dharbam 
is useless,  states the Vedic scripts!

My father, Late Shri Ramabathrachariar of Mukkur, fondly called
 by everyone as Sriraman, has taught me the immense values of Dharbham
 and its usage. With Sanskrit phonetic sound and 
vibration, using the Dharbham increases its value. The usage varies according
 to the functions. It is really a marvel, that in those days of Vedic Era, the Sages
 & Saints of Hindu land used to control
the Magnetic path disturbances, just by simply using this Dharbham! One
 more important thing about the Dharbam is, which is not commonly known 
to many, that one case use the same Dharbam again and
again for  seven times, provided, it is washed and dried properly before reuse. 
This is permitted only when/where no fresh Kusa Grass the Dharbai is 
available for regular usage. However, the Dharbam used for
any inauspicious ceremonies viz. Death and karma rituals, should never
 be used again!


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