As we all know, Indonesian Currency is Rupiah. Of course, their currency is weak compared to Indian rupee. On their 20,000 rupiah note, you will find Lord Ganesha picture just like Mahatma Gandhi on Indian rupee. Indonesia declared as Islamic country with largest Muslim population in the world. (India is second largest Muslim populated country.)


When Indonesian President visited USA, he gifted a wooden carved statue of Goddess Saraswati (With Veena in her hand.)


Their national Airline's name is GARUDA (one can see the logo of Garutmantha) and their domestic airlines is JATAYU AIRWAYS (One can see Jatayu with broken wing bleeding.)


They all know Ramayana better than many Hindus in India. On their National TV, Ramayana is aired once in a week.


Their main shopping mall at Balikpapan is RAMAYANA PLAZA.


Most of the ships or supply vessels' names are Draupadi, Nakula, Sahadeva, Udhistar, Laxmana, Arjuna like that.


70% of Rudraksha comes from Bali, not from Himalayas in India or from Nepal. Nepal and Himalayan foot hills produce only 30% Rudraksha. But best quality of Eka Mukha, Dwi Mukha, Pancha Mukha, Astha Mukha Rudraksha comes from Bali.


Government of Indonesia pays salaries for Hindu Priests along with Muslim Priests and Christian Priests.


Most of the Muslims in Indonesia still have Hindu names like Hendra (Indra) or WAHYU (Vayu).


So names borrowed from Arabia/Persia that pre-existed are not a must to be a Muslim.


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