This are extracts of an article I wrote three years ago for my Ferengi’s column
of the Indian Express. Was it prophetic ? It seems so, at a time when the BJP
is turning the guns of its armed forces against its own people, the Hindus. One
cannot think of a greater betrayal. What power does to people….
Michel de Nostre-Dame, better known as Nostradamus (1503-1566), was a
famous French astrologer whose predictions - which included the assassination
of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, or the premature death of the previous Pope -
have proved infallibly accurate.
Last month, unpublished manuscripts of Nostrodamus have been discovered
(and authentified) in an old trunk in the French city of Lyon. Curiously, there are
two full pages, which deal at length with India, particularly with the Bharatiya Janata
Party and the just concluded elections. We are giving here the first words in Latin,
the language which he used, along with a rough translation in English
"Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est vingtus unus centurus -
"Politicus Bharatus Janatus Indicus veni grandus est vingtus unus centurus -
Congressus oublium est …" The Bharatiya Janata Party will come to dominate
India in the beginning of the 21st century, as the Congress, will slowly sink into
oblivion. "Malheureusus, duo annum millenium trahisonus idealum est Congressus
ressemblum, fautum adoptus est. Electionirium Blanca Madamus attaquum"...
Unfortunately, to achieve power, the BJP may gradually forsake most of its idealism
and it will not address the real burning changes which India needs to adopt so as
to become again a Great Power”.
And Nostradamus goes on to enumerate these changes : "Congressus
independantum Blancum copium est; necessarus changum indianus cumum
facus est"… As the Congress had heavily borrowed from the White Man (British ?)
at Independence, it will become necessary to "Indianize" the nation so that it may
manifest again its true unique soul. "Panchayatum villagum empruntus. Sanskritus
introdum est. Historicum ecritum manus, daemonus est. Yogum, respirationnus
introdum est…" Give back the power to the villages in the form of Panchayat.
Reintroduce Sanskrit as the national language. Rewrite Indian History, which had
mostly been devised by White Masters. Revive ancient traditional systems such
as pranayama, yoga, and incorporate them in the education system and everyday
life. Change the Constitution so that democracy may not be perverted as it will be
"Malheureusus, secularus montrarus Congressus devenium est, corptionus introdus
cancerus est..." Unhappily again, goes on to say Nostradamus, the BJP in its
eagerness to prove itself secular (secularus is originally a Latin word), will tend to
become like the Congress : corruption, bureaucracy, the VIP plague, the madness
of subsidies and the hunger for power, may eat its inner core as a cancer…
And this is Nostradamus’ scoop - if we may say : "Politicus Bharatus Janatus
interminum dividus duum et novus politicus formus"… After some time, the
Bharatiya Janata Party may split into two. Sincere idealists will form a parallel
party which will have as its political platform many of the ideals which the BJP
had forsaken. "Indianus pretus reformus est, Grandus nationus manum"…
India by that time will be ready for the Big Change and the new party will sweep
away the polls and implement these reforms. "Sanskritus savantuus nationalum
languus, decentralisum governmentus, aryanus theorum mortuum est, dharmum
hinduus devenum. Christianum, Islamus influencum"… Scholars will sit down to
modernize and simplify Sanskrit; government will be decentralised; India will strive
to form of a federation of SAARC countries; the theory of the Aryan invasion will be
proved false and it will be shown that Indian civilisation is at least ten thousand
years old and has influenced all great ancient civilisations and religions such as
Christianity and even Islam.
And finally : "Aurobindus Ghosus realisum est, Indianum Agus ancientus mortum
non est".. And the prophecy of Sri Aurobindo will be fulfilled : "India of the ages is
not dead nor has She spoken Her last creative word. And that which She must
seek now to awake, is not an anglicised oriental people, docile pupil of the West
and doomed to repeat the cycle of the Occident's success and failure, but still the
ancient immemorial Shakti recovering Her deepest self, lifting Her head higher
towards the supreme source of light and strength and turning to discover the
complete meaning and vaster form of Her Dharma".
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