This is really mind boggling

My friend's aunt from Canada called me yesterday because her daughter had gastric problems for 3 months.

When I asked for reports, surprisingly they have neither any reports nor any prescription from doctor. Everything is digitalised and no copy was given to patient.

Patients have no access to documents. Only doctors have the access.
She lost 10 pounds weight and loss of appetite too.

Long waiting for USG testing in govt sector.
They got an USG abdomen done from pvt lab for 800 dollars.

Yes that's right 800 dollars. Keep calculating.

I asked my aunt why she haven't seen a Gastroenterologist for her daughter.
Her reply completely shocked me.
She said that the appointment available is in year 2022 even if she book it today.
Yes my cousin was in pain for 3 months and she couldn't see the doctor this year.
And you just can't go and see to a specialist doctor without a referral.
Imagine if you want to see an Ortho, MD medicine, derma, neuro, onco or whatever, you first have to take a referral from an MBBS doctor everytime. If MBBS doc say No, then you can't get an appointment.
Yes health system is free in West, but at what cost?

No matter if you can afford the fees or not, you have to wait for months to see a doctor.

“ Most of the Indian patients call doctors anytime if they are in pain.”

But in these developed countries, patient just keep suffering.

She told me that *people living in India are very lucky & she feel jealous because Indians not only get the appointment of specialists same day but can always get 2nd opinion.*

Yes society has generalised this our  profession, but no one can deny the fact that *the hardwork and selfless services of Indian doctors is like a ventilator on which the broken health system of our country breathes*

“”If you shut us down, health system will collapse.””

You have to live outside India to know the worth of Doctors of India.

Dr CN Manjunath
Jayadeva institute of Cardiology 

Forwarded as received


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