The Successful Person uses


It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time others waste.
..... Henry Ford

More time is wasted, not in hours, but in minutes. A bucket with a small hole in the bottom gets just as empty as a bucket that is deliberately emptied... Paul J.Meyer.

Imagine that you used a bank that credited your account each morning with ₹ 86,400. During the course of the day, you were free to use as much or as little as of the money as you desired. You could use it any way you wanted - there is just one condition. Whatever amount you failed to use could not be carried over to the next day. And you could not save any of it for any reason. Whether you spent none or all of the previous day's amount, the next morning you would find another ₹ 86,400.

If you found yourself in such a situation, what would you do? If you are like most people, you would very quickly figure out a way to spend that money each day. You would start by purchasing everything you required for your immediate needs, but if you were smart, you would quickly figure out a way to invest that money on a daily basis so that you would get the greatest return in the long run.


Whether you know it or not, you face that situation every day of your life. The "BANK" is time, and you receive 86,400 seconds each day, which you can spend any way you like. And if you fail to use those seconds effectively, they are gone for ever.

William A.Ward said, "We master our minutes, or we become slaves to them; we use time, or time uses us." Every person has 24 hours in a day - but how that time is used effectively makes all the difference.

Someone once estimated how the average human being whose life span is 72 years will spend his time.
  • 21 years sleeping
  • 14 years working
  • 7 years performing personal hygiene activities
  • 6 years eating
  • 5 years waiting in line
  • 4 years learning
  • 3 years attending meetings
  • 2 years returning calls
  • 1 year searching for things lost
  • 3 years in other activities.
If we expect to achieve success during our time working, then we have very little time to do it - less than one fifth of our total time.


  • Set aside a block of time (possibly a Saturday) to clean and reorganize your office or work area. File everything you can, and throw or give away any thing that you cannot file. Make a promise to yourself that in future you will not go longer than two days without filing.
  • Look at the section on interruptions. Pick the area where you have the greatest problem and try the suggestion that emerges for one month. Keep a record of all that extra work you get done as aresult.
  • Set aside a couple of hours to answer the three questions to help you determine your priorities. Write down your answers, but avoid writing long detailed lists of duties. Instead, answer with a few statements for each questions.
  1. What is required of me?
  2. What gives me the highest return?
  3. What gives the greatest reward?
Once you have decided on your answers, type them up and post them somewhere in your work area to remind you to manage your time effectively.
  • For the next moth, use the priority system. At the end of each day, write down the duties you must perform the following day. Then number them in order of their priority. The next day, work from your list, going from the most important task to the second most important, etc. Examine the results of this new system in terms of your productivity at the end of each month.
  • Set aside an hour or two to plan your month. Take your calendar and a list of all your responsibilities someplace where you will not be interrupted. Calculate the length of time each task will take, and put it on the calendar according to the blocks of time you have available to perform them. Do not forget to put them on the calendar according to their level of importance.


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