There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative...... Clement Stone.
We are only an attitude away from success! The difference between those who are successful and those who are unsuccessful in life is this : The lives of those who are successful are governed and controlled by the thoughts of their best hour, their greatest optimism, and their most triumphant experience. Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, are guided and controlled by their past failures and doubt.
By following the following activities, one can definitely aim to be successful.
- Pick a positive quote each week and write the quote down on a 3 X 5 Card. Carry the card with you every day of that week. Read and think about that quote periodically throughout the day, such as at meal times. Put the card in a place where you will see it during the day, such as your desk, the dash board of your car, or your bath room mirror. Make each quote a part of your thinking for that week.
- Pick a person in your life that you ordinarily think negative thoughts about. Determine to look for positive qualities in that person and to replace your negative thoughts with those positive ones. If you believe in God, also pray for that person, asking God to bless him or her.
- One day a week, have a "10-day." Get up in the morning and believe that every one you meet will be a "10." And treat them "10s." You will be amazed at the responses you will get from people you have been overlooking or underestimating. Many of your relationships will begin to improve.
- Designate one day a week as 'positive thinking day.' Eliminate the words "can't", "never", and "won't", from your vocabulary during that entire day. During the day at times when you might otherwise say "it won't work," "We have never done it that way before", "I can't do that", or something like that, ask yourself what can be done. Look for hidden possibilities and opportunities in everything you do throughout that day.
- At least once a week, look for an opportunity to give others. Do something special for your near and dear. Help a neighbor or co-worker. Do a small kindness for a stranger. If you can give to someone else anonymously, that's even better. You will be doubly blessed.
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