"Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule.
But love people who never look at their schedule when you need them."
We still love ourselves even after doing many mistakes.
Then how can we hate others for their single mistake?
Seems strange but true.
When nails grow long,
we nails not fingers,
Similarly when misunderstandings grow up,
cut your ego,
not your relationship.
One great lesson I learned from my life....
there is no market for your emotions,
so never advertise your feelings, just show your attitude....
"Two things define you....
your patience when you have nothing,
and your attitude when you have every thing."
As soon as you die, your identity becomes a "body."
People use phrases like: "Bring the Body," "Lower the body in the grave,"
"Take the body to the grave yard" etc.
Live a life to impress the Creator, not the Creation.
Do What you love-
Love what you do.
F - E - A - R
1. F - Forget
E - Everything
A - And
R - Run
2. F - Face
E - Everything
A - And
R - Rise.
Happiness will never come to those who don't appreciate what they already have ....
"It is a long journey between Human Being and Being Human."
Life is very complicated. Don't try to find answers,
Because when you find answers life changes the questions.
Relationship never dies a natural death ....
They are murdered by Ego, Attitude and Ignorance.
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