The Mysteries of Asia three part video series was originally produced for the Learning Channel. During this segment, historians and others examine temples built in India more than 1,000 years ago. They remain quite intriguing, though today's tourists rarely visit them. Records reveal that trained elephants had to drag millions of stone blocks to help erect these structures. The program notes that due to the temples' size, the U.S.Senate, Versailles, The Houses of Parliament, and St. Paul's Basilica in Rome could all fill within a single one of them. Michael Bell narrates as footage and animated maps are used to help viewers learn more about what these ancient structures look like and why they were built.
Asia is a continent steeped in ancient cultures, religions, and buildings. In this intriguing program, we are transported to this exotic land and examine the mysteries behind some of the most fascinating structures found there. Southern India has the largest temple complexes ever built.In the "LOST TEMPLES OF INDIA", we examine these 1,000-year-old temples adorned with intricate and beautiful sculptures. We learn how the Kings used large herds of trained elephants to drag millions of stone blocks into place and how these temples are virtually unknown and not visited by the Western Tourists. Truth or fiction, the stories of Mysteries of Asia will amaze and delight. v=UzPW6_i1EGQ&list=PL32872F2ECDF45DA9 v=BfhesYL_wp0 v=jLRCFoQWuqM v=-DqBiL2t_U v=2zKCecWTWJo
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