The Mathematics part is amazing!!
Ancient India and the Vedic truths of Hindu Sanatana Dharma .... Vamsi Emani
- Who were the ones who initially claimed that the earth was flat? WESTERNERS
- Who were the ones who again proved that the world is round? WESTERNERS, the same who claimed otherwise.
- Who invented the number system? Egyptians? Mayans? Arabs? At least that's what books say!
- When was the atom was discovered? 18th/19th Centuries earliest. As per our Intermediate Chemistry books ain't it?
The list goes on. There is nothing in the world that is newly invented by the Westerners. What was here in India, the knowledge and wealth of the Vedas was taken to the lands of Egypt and the rest of the west. The arrogant Indian of the recent Centuries abandoned Vedic study while in the meanwhile people of the West were busy claiming scientific inventions and discoveries for what was told to them by their elders. What irony! What a turn of events?
SANSKRIT is the oldest language in the World. PERIOD.
Sanatana Dharma was the oldest religion in the World. PERIOD.
Vedas were an ocean of knowledge containing the most ancient and esoteric secret sciences about Human Life, existence and GOD.
Max Mueller, a person from the West claims that the Vedic Hymns could have existed at least since 15000 BCE.
Even Wikipedia (based on facts available) mentions that Sanskrit existed at least since 1500 BC which was much much more before the time of these inventions about atoms or theories came into light.
Take a look at these Sanskrit words! These were not invented. They existed in Vedic Hymns and verses before times known.
BHOOGOLA: Bhoo means Earth. Gola meaning that which is spherical.
BRAHMANDAM: Meaning galaxy, andam - meaning that which is like an egg i.e elliptical/oval in shape.
Anuvu: Atomic Particle.
Paramanuvu: Sub atomic particle.
It would be foolish to think that these words were invented or added in the recent past. Here is a quintessential example depicting the knowledge of VEDAS.
An excerpt from RUDRAM NAMAKAM CHAMAKAM of the YAJUR VEDA, the Vedic hymns used in the ritual of Rudrabhishekam. This ritual cannot be dated, for it existed in the Indian Culture since time immemorial.
Dhyana Sloka of Shiva: (Use of the word Brahmanda that depicts that the Galaxy is oval in shape like an egg)
Brahmanda vyaapta deha bhasitha himaruja bhaasamaana bhujangaihi.
which starts off saying that He is that, which pervades the whole Galaxy.
Further more, if you take a look at this excerpt from Chamakam of the Rudra Namaka Chamaka, you will get to know the mathematical genius in the Vedas.
Eka cha me, thisra chame, panchas chame, saptha chame,
Ekadasa chame, tryodasa chame, pancha dasa chame, saptha dasa chame,
Nava dasa chame, eka trimsathis chame, tryovimsathis chame,
Pancha vimsathis chame,..... and it goes on.
Mathematical genius behind it:
Eka cha me 01 + 000= 001 Square root is 01
Thisra chame 03
+ 001= 004 Square root is 02Panchas chame 05 + 004 = 009 Square root is 03
Saptha chame 07 + 009 = 016 Square root is 04
Nava chame 09 + 016 = 025 Square root is 05
Ekadasa chame 11 + 025 = 036 Square root is 06
Tryodasa chame 13 + 036 = 049 Square root is 07
Pancha dasa chame 15 + 049 = 064 Square root is 08
Saptha dasa chame 17+ 064 = 081 Square root is 09
Nava dasa chame 19 + 081 = 100 Square root is 10
Eka ving satis chame 21 + 100 = 121 Square root is 11
Tryo ving satis chame 23 + 121 = 144 Square root is 12
Pancha ving satis chame 25 + 144 = 169 Square root is 13
Sapta ving satis chame 27 + 169 = 196 Square root is 14
Nava ving satis chame 29 + 196 = 225 Square root is 15
Eka triyam ving satis chame 31 + 225 = 256 Square root is 16
A Vedic Hymn from Rudram rings a bell, does it not? aren't they a part of the classic mathematical progression? Don't they remind one of the Number Theory Problems one has prepared for IIT coaching?
The most important part is that the Vedic Hymn is not about mathematics. The mathematics part of it is just an extra add-on to a deeper meaning. The hymn describes how Lord Shiva has created the Universe. It talks about the birth and death associated with the mystery of atoms. If you observe the sequence: 1 grows to 3 and then becomes 2 (the square root). Likewise, the sequence increases first and decreases again. This rise or increase is related to the growth of atoms which we called the birth and the sudden decrease is related to the decay of atoms which we called death. An ancient sage Kaanaada extolled the hidden mathematical meanings of these verses with reference to spirituality.
This simple verse is an example to depict the ancient Indian mind. As told before, the maths part of it is an add on to the mystical meaning which is the core of the verse. The mystical hidden meaning is spiritual, the mathematical meaning is merely that which surrounds the core. The ancient Indian mind had always laid emphasis on subject GOD and the inner meanings related to it, but not the objects that surround the subject.
And who do we Indians account all the greatness to? To the Westerners unfortunately. It has to be emphasized again and again every Indian should respect the Vedas and the ancient Hindu Sanatana Dharma.
Respect and follow the customs and rituals laid down in the Vedas, well of course if you are fortunate enough to be born and raised in a family that has respect for Indian traditions and customs, for they have inner meanings behind them. If the mind cannot comprehend them practically, it is the mind that is at fault, not the practice, custom or ritual. If the puny mind of a kindergarten student does not understand Engineering Calculus, does it mean that the Calculus is worthless? It is exactly the same way with Vedas and their practices and rituals.
Remember the wisdom of your ancestors. It is right within in our genes, for they are so full of genius. Understand that you are born in the holy land of Gods where people brought rains from the sky not using some scientific process but by chanting hymns or even singing music.
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