When it comes to leading, we need to be aware that there are basically three kinds of leaders: the Creators, the Maintainers, and the Destroyers. We need to know which one best describes us. And we need to be aware that, at times we may be one or another, or all the three put together.
The Creators choose to take responsibility. They choose to make things happen. They choose to help people be successful - and they know that those they lead are their biggest responsibility and biggest asset. They are action and result oriented. They work continually to generate interest, enthusiasm, competency, and achievement.Creators are both the receivers and the initiators of ideas, suggestions, aspirations, actions, and results. They are geared to meet the needs of their people and help everyone to get the work and see to it that the mission of the organization is accomplished. They do so by choosing to be positive,proactive,progressive, mission-oriented people who try to maximize the strengths of those being led. They focus continually on helping people get better and better. The Creators choose to position themselves to be the guidepost or point of reference for those being led. Creators make excellent employees. They also make excellent executives.
The maintainers choose to function from a different platform. They can keep something going - and keep it going very well. But they can not and do not initiate much of anything new on their own. And they cannot add to, create, or improve without the input, approval, and assistance of others. Rather than continually trying to improve on what is being done, they simply choose to keep the same things going in the same way. They choose to use last year's plan and last year's standards. They operate a department or the whole organization in the same way it has always been operated - regardless of the results of such functioning.They make great assistants, but they do not do well as CEOs. They make great aides, but not very good foremen. In fact, they may be great in support positions, but not as good as the head of anything. However, we need to be aware that maintaining is a great asset - and maintainers fill a vital need in any organization.
We need maintainers. We must have them. It's one thing to start or create something - it's quite another to keep it going. We all know that when we give maintainers an on going task or responsibility, it is is good hands. And if maintainers need help in improving a task or adding to a service, the leader can provide the input - and the maintainer will keep things going. Therefore maintainers are a positive factor in the organization. But a close look will reveal that they are better doers, followers, and managers than leaders. At times, however, we all have to function as a maintainer in the organization.
Fortunately, the destroyers are the only danger in an organization. And some in leadership positions choose to lead from this platform. They believe sorting out and eliminating all problems being experienced. They are master "CUTTERS" - of projects, tasks, opportunities, services, duties and responsibilities, and jobs. If employees complain about the food in the cafeteria, for instance, destroyers have always the same answer to the problem: close the cafeteria. If two employees are talking too much in the office, destroyers will impose a "no talking at any time time" rule for every one - or choose some form of punishment to solve the problem.These leaders never choose to create, build, or improve. They never choose to do more or add service. They do not even choose to maintain. They can not. In fact, they usually do not think too much about what the organization can or should be doing. Rather, they only choose to think about what they, the organization or the staff should not be doing, should not have to do, and does not need to do.
The destroyers choose to believe that not doing is the answer to all problems. And they try to convince others that"CUTTING" is the best course of action. Unfortunately, they will wake up one morning and find out that they - as well as the part of the organization they are leading - are not doing very much of anything anymore. Why? Termination has been their approach to leadership.
To be a successful leader, one must choose to be a creator as well as a maintainer. And there are times and situations wherein we must serve well in both the roles. And, of course, there are times when we will be required to eliminate and discard the old for the new and something that doe not work for something else that does. Yet, we need to know that there is a big difference between making proactive changes and being a destroyer. If we have any experience at all, we can easily identify the destroyers in our ranks. We know them well. We don't like them. They scare us- and for good reason.Success in leaderships is achieved by reaching one's potential and helping others do the same. First and foremost, however, one must be able to be a creator and a maintainer. A leader must choose to identify the needs and acquire the abilities to make things happen - and cause others to want to do the same.
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