Cheaper way to kill yourself

 Cheaper way to kill yourself

To those of you who insist on poisoning themselves through 
allopathy, and refuse to listen to Homeopathy and other
 Alternate medicines ---- here's a cheaper method of harming 
yourselves. Why kill yourselves, and also lose your hard
 earned fortune ?
Cheaper generic equivalents for medicines prescribed by Doctors

You may have observed that medicines are prescribed by most Doctors

 by brand name & not by the generic (Ingredients) names. Hence we end

up paying more money for the same medicine.

Follow these few steps to know more & start saving on your medical bills.

1. Log on to

2. Click on 'Drugs'

3. Click on 'Brand'

4. Type the brand name which you are using (e. g. Metocard XL (50 mg).

The site will also help you with drop down menu) & Click on 'Search'

5. Click on 'Generics'. It will display the ingredients of the tablet.

6. Click on 'matched brands'

7. Don't be surprised to see that same drug is available at very low cost also.

And that to by other reputed manufacturer.*e. g. Metocard XL 50 is for

Rs. 62.00 & same drug by Cipla (Mepol) is available ONLY @ Rs. 7.00*


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