What Appears To Be A Pile Of Trash Floating In The Ocean Is Much, Much More Than That. Wow.
What Appears To Be A Pile Of Trash Floating In The Ocean Is Much, Much More Than That. Wow.
What you see here isn’t a tiny island of trash floating through the ocean (even though it looks like it). It’s actually Migingo, a small fishing island located in Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa and the largest tropical lake in the world. The fishing is so good there, that over a hundred people live on it, crammed together just so they can take advantage of the profitable location. What you see on top of the island isn’t trash, they are little lean-tos that the inhabitants turned into homes.
Oh, and did I mention there is a much bigger island right next door that no one lives on?
Being able to separate your work and personal life is important, so what do these fishermen do? They literally live and work in the exact same spot. I hope everyone gets along with their neighbors, because there isn’t much room for moving around. (That is, unless someone just thought to move to Usingo, the much bigger island that’s just 200 meters to the east.)
Source: Amusing Planet
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