1.) Fireworks: About 10,000 people in the US are admitted into ERs due to firework-related injuries annually. Your chance of death is 1-in-615,488.
2.) Tsunami: It varies on your location, but your chance of death is 1-in-500,000.
3.) Asteroid: We THINK our chances of death are 1-in-500,000. It’s hard to be sure.
4.) Dogs: Your chance of being fatally mauled by a dog is 1-in-147,717.
5.) Fire: Many deaths caused by fire are actually due to smoke inhalation, but your chances of dying in a fire are 1-in-1,116.
6.) Guns: Generally, your chances of dying via a gunshot wound are 1-in-325.
7.) Stairs: Stairs are a leading cause of injury-related death among seniors. Your chance of death is 1-in-20.
8.) Suicide: Every 40 seconds, someone commits suicide. Your chance of death is 1-in-121.
9.) Car accident: Motor vehicle accidents kill about 50,000 Americans every year. Your chance of death is 1-in-100.
10.) Accidents: 30 million ER visits are because of “accidents.” Annual lives lost due to accidents are 100,000. Your chance of death is 1-in-36.
11.) Stroke: Your chance of death is 1-in-23.
12.) Drowning: According to the World Health Organization, drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional death worldwide. Your chance of death is 1-in-8,942.
13.) Floods: Your chance of death is 1-in-30,000.
14.) Bees: You’re twice as likely to die of a bee sting than being attacked by a dog. Your chance of death is 1-in-100,000.
15.) Lightning: 250,000 people annually get struck by lightning. Your chance of death is 1-in-83,930.
16.) Airplanes: Don’t let the numbers fool you, this is safer than driving. Your chance of death is 1-in-20,000.
17.) Heart Disease: Many experts believe this is the leading cause of death in the WORLD. Your chance of death is 1-in-5.
18.) Electrocution: This claims approximately 1,000 lives in the US annually. (The statistic includes lightning strikes and capital punishment.) Your chance of death is 1-in-5,000.
19.) Tornadoes: Your chance of death is 1-in-60,000.
20.) Earthquakes: Your chance of death is 1-in-131,890
21.) Natural Forces: Your chance of death is 1-in-3,357.
22.) Bicycle Accidents: These fatal accidents usually involve a motor vehicle. Your chance of death is 1-in-4,717.
23.) Cancer: Your chance of death is 1-in-7.
24.) Electric Chair: Unless you live in China, North Korea, Yemen, Iran or the US, you can’t be legally executed. Be that as it may, your chance of death is 1-in-58,618.
25.) The Hayflick Limit: Even if you don’t die of disease or violent death, your cells could only divide a finite number of times anyway, known as the Hayflick Limit. The current maximum life span for a human is 125. Chances of death? 100%.
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