25 Amazing Facts for National Beer Day
7 April is National Beer Day, marking the day in 1933 that sales of
alcohol were legal once again, after Prohibition ended.
1. After he won the Nobel Prize, Niels Bohr was given a perpetual supply of
1. After he won the Nobel Prize, Niels Bohr was given a perpetual supply of
beer piped into his house.
2. The Code of Hammurabi decreed that bartenders who watered down beer
2. The Code of Hammurabi decreed that bartenders who watered down beer
would be executed.
3. At the Wife Carrying World Championships, first prize is the wife's weight in beer.
4. A cloud near the constellation Aquila contains enough ethyl alcohol to fill 400
3. At the Wife Carrying World Championships, first prize is the wife's weight in beer.
4. A cloud near the constellation Aquila contains enough ethyl alcohol to fill 400
trillion trillion pints of beer.
5. Coined in the early 1900s, the word "alcoholiday" means leisure time spent drinking.
6. The builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were paid with a daily ration of beer.
7. During WWII, a bear named Wojtek joined the Polish army. He transported
5. Coined in the early 1900s, the word "alcoholiday" means leisure time spent drinking.
6. The builders of the Great Pyramid of Giza were paid with a daily ration of beer.
7. During WWII, a bear named Wojtek joined the Polish army. He transported
ammunition and sometimes drank beer.
8. Fried beer won Most Creative Fried Food at the 2010 Texas State Fair.
9. The top five states for beer consumption per capita: 1. North Dakota, 2. New Hampshire,
8. Fried beer won Most Creative Fried Food at the 2010 Texas State Fair.
9. The top five states for beer consumption per capita: 1. North Dakota, 2. New Hampshire,
3. Montana, 4. South Dakota 5. Wisconsin.
10. Germany is home to a beer pipeline. Taps in Veltsin-Arena are connected by a
10. Germany is home to a beer pipeline. Taps in Veltsin-Arena are connected by a
5km tube of beer.
11. Thomas Jefferson wrote parts of the Declaration of Independence in a
11. Thomas Jefferson wrote parts of the Declaration of Independence in a
Philadelphia tavern.
12. Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty glass.
13. At the end of Prohibition, FDR said, "What America needs now is a drink."
14. Winston Churchill called the concept of Prohibition "an affront to the whole history
12. Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of an empty glass.
13. At the end of Prohibition, FDR said, "What America needs now is a drink."
14. Winston Churchill called the concept of Prohibition "an affront to the whole history
of mankind."
15. George Washington insisted his continental army be permitted a quart of beer
15. George Washington insisted his continental army be permitted a quart of beer
as part of their daily rations.
16. Oktoberfest originally started as a festival celebrating the 1810 marriage of
16. Oktoberfest originally started as a festival celebrating the 1810 marriage of
Crown Prince Ludwig.
17. At spas in Europe, you can literally bathe in beer as a physical and mental ther
17. At spas in Europe, you can literally bathe in beer as a physical and mental ther
apeutic treatment.
18. In the 1990s, the Beer Lovers Party ran candidates in Belarus and Russia.
19. J.K. Rowling invented Quidditch in a pub.
20. Beer helped Joseph Priestly discover oxygen. He noticed gases rising from
18. In the 1990s, the Beer Lovers Party ran candidates in Belarus and Russia.
19. J.K. Rowling invented Quidditch in a pub.
20. Beer helped Joseph Priestly discover oxygen. He noticed gases rising from
the big vats of beer at a brewery and asked to do some experiments.
21. A Buddhist temple in the Thai countryside was built with over a million recycled
21. A Buddhist temple in the Thai countryside was built with over a million recycled
beer bottles.
22. The moon has a crater named Beer.
23. Beer soup was a common breakfast in medieval Europe.
24. At the start of Bavarian Beer Week in Germany, an open-air beer fountain
22. The moon has a crater named Beer.
23. Beer soup was a common breakfast in medieval Europe.
24. At the start of Bavarian Beer Week in Germany, an open-air beer fountain
dispenses free beer to the public.
25. In the 1980s, a beer-drinking goat was elected mayor of Lajitas, TX.
25. In the 1980s, a beer-drinking goat was elected mayor of Lajitas, TX.

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