Here Are 50 Adorable Baby Animals Organized By The ....
State They Represent. Which One Is Yours?
Do you know your state’s official bird? What about its motto? Drink?
No matter if you do or don’t, forget everything you know because we found a much better state list for you. This is every state’s baby animal. Although some are birds, they are babybirds so they are quite a bit cuter than the normal state animal.
Awwww, even the bugs are cute.
1.) Alabama: American Black Bear
2.) Alaska: Moose
3.) Arizona: Ring Tailed Cat
4.) Arkansas: Mockingbird
5.) California: Gray Whale
6.) Colorado: Big Horned Sheep
7.) Connecticut: Sperm Whale
8.) Delaware: Gray Fox
9.) Florida: Florida Panther
10.) Georgia: Right Whale
11.) Hawaii: Hawaiian Monk Seal
12.) Idaho: Appaloosa Horse
13.) Illinois: Monarch Butterfly
14.) Indiana: Northern Cardinal
15.) Iowa: American Goldfinch
16.) Kansas: American Bison
17.) Kentucky: Gray Squirrel
18.) Louisiana: Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog
19.) Maine: Maine Coon Cat
20.) Maryland: Chesapeake Bay Retriever
21.) Massachusetts: Boston Terrier
22.) Michigan: Painted Turtle
23.) Minnesota: Loon
24.) Mississippi: Bottlenose Dolphin
25.) Missouri: Missouri Fox Trotter
26.) Montana: Grizzly Bear
27.) Nebraska: White Tailed Deer
28.) Nevada: Desert Bighorn
29.) New Hampshire: Spotted Newt
30.) New Jersey: Horse
31.) New Mexico: Roadrunner
32.) New York: Beaver
33.) North Carolina: Eastern Box Turtle
34.) North Dakota: Nokota Horse
35.) Ohio: Ladybug
36.) Oklahoma: Raccoon
37.) Oregon: Dungeness Crab
38.) Pennsylvania: Great Dane
39.) Rhode Island: Rhode Island Red Chicken
40.) South Carolina: Wood Duck
41.) South Dakota: Coyote
42.) Tennessee: Bobwhite Quail
43.) Texas: Nine-banded Armadillo
44.) Utah: Rocky Mountain Elk
45.) Vermont: Morgan Horse
46.) Virginia: American Foxhound
47.) Washington: Killer Whale
48.) West Virginia: Timber Rattlesnake
49.) Wisconsin: American Badger
50.) Wyoming: Horned Lizard
Washington D.C.: Wood Thrush
(H/T HuffPost)
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Let's make sure the next 5 years are happy and not allow them
to be like the last 10 years.
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