Here Are 18 Beauty Ads From The Past That Would Result
In Mass Protests Today. #5 Is Crazy
Throughout history, a lot have things have changed in our society. Groups of people have gained rights and, in general, we are more open minded and progressive.
There was a time, however, when advertisements were a little more aggressive than they are today. Modern advertisements still pressure men and women to look a certain way, but at least they try not to use the word “chubby.” Some of these may be … slightly offensive.
- 1.) Judge yourself, ladies, because everyone else is judging you.
- 2.) WHEW, good thing he was there to remind her to eat less.
- 3.) Food is for dopes. Eat mints instead.
- 4.) This almost seemed encouraging, until I saw the name of the company.
- 5.) Sorry to break it to you ad, but women can’t control their bone structure.
- 6.) Feel like eating? Smoke instead.
- 7.) Ah, the precursor to Spanx.
- 8.) So women were supposed to gain weight to be attractive.
- 9.) But not TOO much, or else everyone would hate them.
- 10.) “Emulsion.” That sounds healthy.
- 11.) Because heat stroke is worth it.
- 12.) I’m not so sure that “before” picture is accurate.
- 13.) Self-worth is all about attracting males.
- 14.) So you can cook, clean AND not be a chubby.
- 15.) Because if you’re a “chubby,” you have to shop here.
- 16.) Men will hate you if you don’t look perfect.
- 17.) Wait, so which is it? Fat or skinny?
- 18.) Mmm. Ironized yeast.
(H/T A Weighty Subject)
According to these ads, nothing is going to get a woman to buy your product like unadulterated shame. Some of these ads are absolutely nutty. Share them with others – they won’t be able to believe they were actually in print.
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