At First, You Would Have No Idea Why This Girl Has
Thousands Of Chopsticks. Then Step Back…
Hong Yi started out as a simple artist with a YouTube channel. Hong Yi, known as Red to most, likes to paint. However, she doesn’t like to paint with a paintbrush.
Instead, Red finds different ways to create her beautiful artwork. In one of her first paintings, she used a basketball to create the image. Now, she is using something else to create an incredible portrait (for someone you’ll recognize).
This is Hong Yi, known as “Red.”
Red is both an artist and an architect.
Jackie Chan’s art director contacted her, hoping to commission her to make something for Jackie’s 60th birthday.
She decided to make a portrait…
But it was unlike any you have ever seen before.
It was made entirely out of chopsticks.
Jackie had always been supportive of her work.
He saw her other portraits using unique mediums, like socks or coffee rings, and was entranced.
So, Red was hired to create his 60th birthday portrait.
She spent a month collecting 64,000 chopsticks, in Zhejiang and in Beijing
She tied the chopsticks into different bundle sizes with strings. Then, she hung them all from a steel frame.
Red presented the finished portrait at his birthday concert, in front of 10,000. And to think, she just started out with a YouTube channel, posting her work.
“It wasn’t easy to choose the material for Jackie’s piece. He is a world famous actor, an exceptional martial arts fighter, an environmentalist, and one of the most well-known faces internationally! I finally decided on chopsticks because Jackie had used them in some of the fighting scenes in his movies the Fearless Hyena and Karate Kid, and because chopsticks are Chinese. As he is also an environmentalist, I used disposable bamboo chopsticks to show that discarded materials can be reused and made into something meaningful and beautiful. This art installation is a tribute to the life, art and cultural significance of Jackie Chan.” -Red
Source: Oh I See Red!
The final result of her labors is art, but the Red’s true artwork is how she creates her pieces. She is truly a creative genius, share her unique methods
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