34 Completely Real, Unedited Photos That Will Make You
Look Twice… And Question Your Sanity.
Whether we like it or not, our eyes can play tricks on us. Even if we know something is an illusion, it’s difficult not to be fooled.
These optical illusion photos use a technique called forced perspective. Forced perspective is a strategy that photographers use that employs optical illusions to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. A fantasy world can be created by just changing the angle and focus of the subject… and it’s amazing.
1.) That little sphinx!
2.) Nooo, not the shoe!
3.) Is he coming or going?
4.) When you go to a big desert, you need a big bottle of water.
5.) This car is just TOO cool.
6.) What exactly is happening here…
7.) He has the power!
8.) Dad lets the girls do the heavy lifting.
9.) Because life is just a game.
10.) He may have overpacked.
11.) Save the children!
12.) Hm, you may want to call a tow truck.
13.) How did they…
14.) Epic dunk.
15.) He really blew them away.
16.) Agggghhh!
17.) Big finger… or tiny pond?
18.) He must have the hardest time finding shoes.
19.) This is a brain-melter.
20.) Be careful!
21.) Attaccckkkkkk!
22.) Oh, hi there!
23.) This is how you taste the rainbow.
24.) Looks like it’s time for bed.
25.) A little to the left, girls.
26.) 3…2…1… lift off!
27.) This goes here.
28.) Hmm, I could use some shade…
29.) Lights out!
30.) Ahh, as pretty as a picture.
31.) I love you, tower!
32.) Must! Hang! On!
33.) Can you watch your sister for me?
34.) What a unique fountain.
The next time you take a family photo, use a forced perspective trick. Everyone will remember the family reunion that Uncle Earl tried to stomp on all of his nephews and nieces.
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