This Guy Creates What Seems Like A Meaningless Mess.
But Put A Light On It And… WOW.
Greek artist Teodosio Sectio Aurea excels at creating beautiful sculptures… but you won’t be able to see them at first glance. It takes a unique angle, light and moment to see the beautiful images he creates. That’s why it is so awesome; his art isn’t apparent.
To the passer by, it might look like this work is just “junk.” But if you apply just the right light, it’s so much more. His genius is the art of casting shadows.
His intricate sculptures have hidden scenes inside each of them.
When the light is applied just right, you can see his TRUE sculpture.
This art of shadow casting is amazing.
No matter how many times you look at the iron sculptures, it’s almost impossible to guess what he was really building with the shadows.
He even recreates works of art that most people would recognize.
Like the masterpieces of Picasso, da Vinci and Michelangelo.
Teodosio’s is so wonderful because he doesn’t focus on what is seen, but the unseen.
(H/T Amusing Planet)
It’s almost magical that he can transform a twisted heap of iron into a beautiful, dancing woman or a classic masterpiece. Share his work with others.
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