Why Modi deserves to win
The buzz in the media now is about Modi and his marriage.
There are actually 2 questions raised by his political opponents:
1. What kind of a person is he who abandoned his wife? How can we
entrust such a person with the whole country?
2. Why did he hide his marital status from the Electoral Application forms so far?
Our Answer to Q 1:
Let's understand the scenario.
Even in his teens, he was always socially-minded and focused. Like Tendulkar
was about Cricket. Nothing except social work was in in his mind.
As was the custom, his parents got him married without taking into account his i
nterests, at the age of 17. Perhaps, his father may have wanted his son to be drawn
into worldly pleasures and become a 'normal person', and so got him married to 'Jashodaben'.
Modi didn't live with his wife as husband even for a day. As was the custom,
he left the bride's home, but never returned. In fact, he left even his own home
and never returned to the family.
Have you heard of Bhagwan Buddha? His name was Siddharta and was a Prince.
Since he was also socially-minded in his early years, his father, King Suddhodhana,
kept his son away from all forms of suffering and misery, and got him married to
Yasodhara (remember the name of Moidi's wife? 'Jashodaben') at the age of 16.
Siddharta enjoyed all the worldly pleasures and had a child till he was 29, when
he realized his calling in life was different. He then left his wife and child to seek
the truth, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Have we ever found fault with Bhagwan Buddha for abandoning his wife? Why
do we try to fault Modi, though Modi didn't even live with his wife as a husband
for a single day, and didn't leave behind his wife with a child? Did his wife complain
to anyone about Modi? There was. in fact, no dispute between them.
Indian history is full of saints who were married young, and abandoned their
families in pursuit of God, knowledge, truth and wisdom. We haven't faulted any of
them, have we? Then why single out Narendra Modi, when the parallel is so obvious?
Our Answer to Q 2:
Modi has NEVER filled in his Marital Status as 'NOT MARRIED'; if he had done so,
it would have been a fault. He may have not been clear as to what to fill in an Application
form that gives only 2 options: Married/ Not Married. Since his marriage was never
consummated, his detractors may have faulted him if he had said 'Married'. In fact,
in the given case, the ideal thing to do is to leave it blank. Which he did. If at all someone
should have been faulted, it is the Election Commission, which ignored it as it was not
material to his nomination. If his opponents had any objection, they should have
objected then. Now that the SC has said no column should be left blank, he has filled
in as 'MARRIED" in view of the controversy being raised. How can he be faulted?
Also, a marriage performed at the age of 17 is not valid in the eyes of law, esp if
it was not consummated. So, Modi could even be faulted even if he had mentioned
the answer as 'MARRIED'. So, damned if he said, 'MARRIED'; damned if he said,
'NOT MARRIED'. Falls into a pattern, doesn't it?
What exactly is the mistake of Modi in this case?
In fact, some of Modi's fans believe all these are indicative of Modi as a reincarnation
of one of those great saints destined to become one of the greatest souls of our time.
The greatest of souls have been tested most. Can you name one other person in India's
current political history who has been put to the greatest of scrutinies and abuses like Modi?
Yet, the way he has come out on top shows there's something about him abnormally great.
And may be we're just about to see that.
In the war between good and evil, do you want to be on the side of evil or good?
Let me now refer you to an article that goes into some detail about Modi's marriage
and the aftermath.
'If 17-year-old Modi wanted to get out of the marriage, which was imposed on him by
a socially backward society and his family, it's not only ethical but his right to walk out
of the forced marriage.'
'Jashodaben, a highly conservative woman who understandably, by the social standards
of India of the 1960s, opted to remain confined to the marriage instead of kicking Modi
out from her life for not starting the marriage in the real sense.'
'In spite of media pressure, if she does not speak against Modi, it suggests that Modi
has not ill-treated her or exploited her after parting ways.'
Read more about why Modi's marriage doesn't matter
in the Election as an issue at:
If you have any specific questions, please shoot them, and we'll try to answer them
as best as we can, through future Newsletters.
Coming Parliamentary election is one of the best opportunities we have to arrest
the slide of our great nation from sinking to greater depths. We should not miss this.
Nor should we make a wrong decision.
Please feel free to forward our emails to your friends and relatives, and
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Lastly, please do make it a point to go and vote for BJP and NDA associates who will
make Modi the PM and retain him in that place for 5 years. And ignore AAP who are
shooting from the hip. May be they will become more mature over time.In such a case,
we could always consider them during the 2019 Elections, or even for the State Elections
in between.
From the Desk of the Organisers of ModiForPM.org
Thanks & Regards
Team Modi For PM
Let's Do Something For Nation
SAB KA VIKAAS!! ![]() |
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