Why Modi deserves to win..

Let's view a few YouTube Videos in the next few days about Gujarat's
 Development model.

Click here: 

If you have any specific questions, please shoot them, and we'll try to 
answer them as best as we can, through future Newsletters.

Coming Parliamentary election is one of the best opportunities we have to
 arrest the slide of our great nation from sinking to greater depths. We should
 not miss this. Nor should we make a wrong decision.

Please feel free to forward our emails to your friends and relatives, and
 encourage them to subscribe to it too. This will be a great service you 
will be doing to your Mother India.

Lastly, please do make it a point to go and vote for BJP and NDA associates who 
will make Modi the PM and retain him in that place for 5 years. And ignore AAP 
who are shooting from the hip. May be they will become more mature over time.
In such a case, we could always consider them during the 2019 Elections, or even for
 the State Elections in between.

From the Desk of the Organisers of ModiForPM.org

Team Modi For PM
Let's Do Something For Nation


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