Here’s Why You Should ALWAYS Get A Window Seat On
A Plane. Don’t Say I Didn't Warn You.
When you fly on an airplane, do you prefer to sit in the aisle or by the window? Well, thisReddit user just made one of the most compelling arguments for sitting in a window seat that you’ll ever read. It’s not about safety or convenience. His reasoning is much, much cooler.
1.) You could see Chicago’s skyline reflected in Lake Michigan.
2.) You could see an amazing rainstorm in the distance.
3.) You could see a solar eclipse at 44,000 ft.
4.) You could get a breathtaking view of the highest point in Africa.
5.) You could see a beautiful sunrise.
6.) Your breath could be taken away by a sunset.
7.) You could see gorgeous waterfalls.
8.) You could see a giant forest fire.
9.) You could see a stunning view of a country like Norway.
10.) You could be mesmerized by an endless sea of clouds.
Source: Reddit
Not to mention sleeping is also much easier when you’re leaning against the window and not a total stranger. Share these amazing pictures with your friends and convince them to start getting the window seat, too.
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