Why Modi deserves to win


Let's now turn our attention AAP's Election Manifesto. 
Why is Governance by Referendum a BAD IDEA?

There can never be an established mechanism for triggering a referendum. 

1. You can't hold a Referendum for every decision, because millions of decisions 
are taken by Govts every single day. 

If Referendums are held occasionally, AAP's Governance Model will be no different 
from the existing Governance Models, for the most part. 

2. Referendums can undermine Parliamentary Sovereignty - ie the right of parliament 
to make and remake any law and not be bound by their 

3. Allows politicians to absolve themselves of  responsibility for making difficult decisions.

For example, what answer do you expect to get if you ask, in a Referendum,
 "Do you want electricity tariffs to be increased?" If you never increase electricity 
tariffs, the Govt will become bankrupt, and electricity supply will stop fully.

This is a decision to be taken by the Govt. Like a well-meaning mother gives a bitter
 pill to her ailing child. Will the mother ever ask the child, "Do you want to take
 this bitter pill?"

A competent Govt can handle such situations well, but weak Govts would hold
Referendum and blame the consequences on the people.

If all that we want Govts to do is to hold Referendums, we need only a few websites,
 not PMs and Ministers.

People want and need to be led by good and competent leaders, not followed by bad 
and incompetent ones. We need to elect leaders, not followers.

4. If Governments can hold them selectively as and when they want, they are unlikely 
to hold them unless they are fairly confident they will win the vote - the obvious 
example of this was whether AK wanted to accept CM's position.

5. Governments are unlikely to be neutral participants and the phrasing of the
 question(s) can distort the results.

For example, suppose UPA Govt had asked, through Referendum, the question: 
"We plan to give Spectrum to bidders on a 'first come, first served basis' which 
will make mobile affordable to everyone. Shall we go ahead", what answer do you
 think people would have given?

6. Inevitably, there would be unbalanced resources for groups on opposite sides of
 the debate – how are referendums funded?

Surely, the side with more resources is more likely to win, and it is most likely to 
be the Govt itself.

7. Complex and difficult issues can become oversimplified and the electorate may suffer
 from fundamental problem of lack of information – result may reflect “snapshot” of
 opinions that can change over time.

For example, if you had held a referendum immediately after the Mumbai 26/11
 attack on whether India should attack Pakistan, people may have voted saying, 
"Yes", and diplomatic options would have been denied a chance.

Ask the same people the same question now, whether we should have gone to war 
with Pakistan immediately after Mumbai 26/11 attack, and they are more likely to say 'No'.

8. Media and other agencies can significantly influence the result.

Do we want the owners of media houses to have over-riding influence over us?

Courtesy (for points): http://www.tutor2u.net 

If you have any specific questions, please shoot them, and we'll try to answer them as
 best as we can, through future Newsletters.

Coming Parliamentary election is one of the best opportunities we have to arrest 
the slide of our great nation from sinking to greater depths. We should not miss this. 
Nor should we make a wrong decision.

Please feel free to forward our emails to your friends and relatives, and 
encourage them to subscribe to it too. This will be a great service you will
 be doing to your Mother India.

Lastly, please do make it a point to go and vote for BJP and NDA associates who will 
make Modi the PM and retain him in that place for 5 years. And ignore AAP who are
 shooting from the hip. May be they will become more mature over time.In such a case, 
we could always consider them during the 2019 Elections, or even for the State Elections 
in between.

From the Desk of the Organisers of ModiForPM.org

Thanks & Regards
Team Modi For PMwww.modiforpm.org
Let's Do Something For Nation



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