Here Are The 20 Most Famous Hoaxes Ever Believed By

The Masses. I Remember Ridiculous #5.

April 8, 2014Entertainment
Pranking others is not, by any means, a new practice. As long as the modern man has been on this earth, there have been people playing pranks on each other (probably, anyway). Here are 20 of the most famous historical hoaxes that have been pulled throughout history. Some are pretty obvious (now) that they were fake. Others? Well, we wouldn’t be surprised if people were still fooled to this day.
(H/T FullPunch)
It’s a little disheartening that there isn’t a giant, 87lb domesticated cat out there somewhere. I don’t know about you, but I was fooled by a majority of these hoaxes (at least for a little bit). Help debunk these hoaxes by sharing the truth with others.


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